Episode 13 – Seoirse Speaks With Actress, Writer and Producer Holly Mumford

This week Seoirse speaks with Holly Mumford about how she fell in love with Italy and how she ended up staying Milan for 16 years and counting. She also talks about about the trials of a British person living in Europe post Brexit and what she hopes for the future. She also discusses rasing a family while working as an actress and what challenges she overcame to make her first web series Smoke and Mirrors. Finally she talks about what future plans are in store and much more!

Smoke and Mirrors Youtube Channel

Official site: https://www.seoirsespeakswith.com

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Theme Song info below:
Aerosol Of My Love by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/7013-aerosol-of-my-love
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license


Episode 14 – Seoirse Speaks With Screenwriter, Filmmaker and Co-founder of Rime Entertainment Limited Melissa Hurry


Episode 12 - Seoirse Speaks With Nicole and Liza from the Female Film Club