Episode 15 – Seoirse Speaks With Film Production Manager Victorija Cook
This week Seoirse Speaks With Production manager Victorija Cook. Victorija kindly dropped by to talk about her company, Inscript, and two of the films the studio is working. First she talks about “Oleg” a film about a young man from Latvia who travels to Belguim looking for a better life but gets sucked into crime and modern slavery. She also discusses how they are showing this movie as educational screenings in prisons in Lithuania for inmates and staff.
The second film she talks about is “I’ll Stand By You” a documentary about two that follows the work of two women who work with a suicide prevention company in a small town Kupiskis, Lithuania which for many years had the highest suicide numbers in the country. She also talks about their success and how they are using the film to help people around Lithuania and elsewhere.
(If any of these topics affect you please contact The Samaritans from anywhere in the world from their website https://www.samaritans.org/ )
I'll Stand By You Official Site
Official site: https://www.seoirsespeakswith.com
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Theme Song info below:
Aerosol Of My Love by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/7013-aerosol-of-my-love
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license