Episode 9: Seoirse Speaks With Author Lee Jackson
This week Seoirse speaks with author Lee Jackson as Lee talks about his father in law was the inspiration for his Atcho character. He tells Seoirse how his father in law survived prison in Cuba during the Castro years, and what it was really like for regular Cubans under that regime. He then regales Seoirse with some fascinating spy stories during World War 2 and how the most hard to believe stories in his novels turn out to be true! All that and much more!
Official site: https://www.seoirsespeakswith.com
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Theme Song info below:
Aerosol Of My Love by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/7013-aerosol-of-my-love
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license