Episode 11 - Seoirse Speaks With Sierra On-Line Co-Founder and Author Roberta Williams
This week Seoirse speaks with legendary game designer and author Roberta Williams. Roberta talks about about she got started doing research for her new book Farewell to Tara, a fictionilised account of her ancestors in Ireland during the famine in the 1800’s. She also talks in more detail about what she found out about her ancestors, what life was like living in Ireland at the time and she has some fascinating stories about some of the adventures her family got up to both in Ireland and then afterwards in the United States and what we can expect from her second book if she gets to release it. She also reveals the difference between writing for games and books and what are the chances she will return to writing for games again. All that and much more!
Farewell to Tara Official Site
Paperback Amazon Hardback Amazon
Official site: https://www.seoirsespeakswith.com
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Theme Song info below:
Aerosol Of My Love by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/7013-aerosol-of-my-love
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license